Rhythm Works | Just Dance Northumberland | Cobourg
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Rhythm Works Classes

Rhythm Works

​6 week program

Customized programming for your child
Works with your PT Daytime and evening options
$97 + HST

Rhythm Works Integrative Dance is a ground-breaking rhythm and dance program designed for children with learning differences and special needs.


RWID-certified instructors are trained to apply fun and functional dance movement to evidence-based practices commonly used in sensory integration, ABA therapy, kinesiology, and movement safety to help facilitate developmental goals.

Rhythm Works Integrative Dance is an inclusive class that focuses on foundational skill development, self-empowerment, independence and celebrating our diversity. Offered as individual or group classes, you can find RWID classes in dance studios/gyms, schools, community centers and therapy clinics across the world!


Program Details

The session will start on an on-going basis. It will be available on Tuesdays before 4:30 p.m. (daytime) and Fridays after 5:00 p.m. (evening). The exact schedule is still to be determined based on the assignment.



Registration is more involved than traditional programs as we want the best outcome for your children. Please follow the steps listed below to sign up.


1. Reach out and let us know that you are interested.

2. Fill out the forms prior to the start of the session.**

3. Book a time for an assessment class (options will be provided in the same email as the forms are sent.) After the assessment class, Miss Sabrina will organize classes in a way that works best for the children.


**Forms and assessment times will be provided after the initial reach-out.

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